White pepper oil, extracted from the seeds of Piper nigrum, is known for its stimulating and warming properties. It is commonly used in aromatherapy to enhance circulation, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. Rich in piperine, it supports overall wellness and is often found in massage oils, skincare products, and wellness formulations due to its invigorating effects.
Botanic Healthcare is a renowned white pepper oil manufacturer in India. It utilizes advanced technology and resources to extract high-quality oil.
As trusted white pepper oil exporters and suppliers, we offer 100% pure, undiluted, and preservative-free essential oil in bulk quantities to meet your needs. For more information or assistance, feel free to contact us today.
Scientific Name: Piper nigrum
Common Name: Pepper
Family: Piperaceae
Parts Used: Fruit
Black and white peppers come from the same plant but differ in their processing methods.
Active Components:
White pepper oil contains key compounds such as limonene, beta-pinene, sabinene, delta-3-carene, and alpha-pinene, as well as terpinene and myrcene, which are monoterpene derivatives.
Process: Steam Distilled