By Admin | 2022-08-26 12:11:40 | Blog
Pterocarpus marsupium is one of the herbal extracts that may support healthy blood sugar levels. Pterocarpus marsupium also has many common names, such as Vijaysar, Malabar kino, and Bijasar.“Pterocarpus marsupium” is one of the herbal extracts that may support healthy blood sugar levels. Pterocarpus marsupium also has many common names, such as Vijaysar, Malabar kino, and Bijasar.
In today’s world, the majority of people are diabetic. However, with the changing days, climate, and environmental conditions, people have started preferring natural remedies, which helps them manage their blood sugar levels.
“Pterocarpus marsupium” is one of the herbal extracts that may support healthy blood sugar levels. Pterocarpus marsupium also has many common names, such as Vijaysar, Malabar kino, and Bijasar.
Vijaysar is a medicinal plant used in Ayurveda as a “Rasayana” (rejuvenating) herb. The bark of Vijaysar also has significant importance in Ayurveda in managing diabetes. It has also been hailed as “The Miracle Cure for Diabetes”, mainly due to its bitter nature. However, Vijaysar helps to control blood sugar levels by preventing damage to the pancreatic cells and promoting insulin secretion due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.
The active principles of Pterocarpus marsupium are pterosupin, pterostilbene, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritigenin, epicatechin, kinoin, kinotannic acid, kino-red beta-eudesmol, carsupin, marsupol, and marsupinol, which have a wide range of pharmacological actions. Furthermore, all these active principles are thermostable.
The active phytoconstituent phenolic C-glycosides present in Pterocarpus marsupium are responsible for the antihyperglycemic activity, which supports healthy blood sugar management.
Pterostilbene is another active principle of Pterocarpus marsupium as it helps to improve the function of normal cells, membrane permeability, and metabolic stability.
Its plant parts of heartwood, leaves, flowers, bark, and gum, are all used in Ayurvedic medicine for various health issues due to their antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrheal, anti-hemorrhagic, and astringent properties.
Pterocarpus marsupium is a deciduous tree native to India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. In India, it is widely grown in the forests of central India and some parts of the western ghats (Karnataka-Kerala region).
Botanic Healthcare provides Pterocarpus marsupium herbal extract standardized with 5% to 10% pterostilbene by HPLC.