Uses & Health Benefits Of Cissus Quandragularis Extract

By Admin | 2022-08-01 10:36:28 | Blog

Uses & Health Benefits Of Cissus Quandragularis Extract

Botanic Healthcare is one of the world’s reliable Cissus quandragularis Extract Manufacturers. Cissus Quandragularis is an indigenous medicinal plant, a vine. Apart from various Ayurvedic preparations, the plant and its extracts are used in the making of various medicines It is most widely used in medicines prepared for weight loss, bone health, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, diabetes, and many other conditions. Thus, the  Cissus quandragularis Extract is found to be rich in analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Our Herbal Extracts may help in curing various diseases.

Common Names:

Asthisamharaka, Hadjod, Hathisur, Zarnazaru, Banddiagra, Phet Sangkhaat, Veldt-Grape, Winged Treebine, Adamant Creeper, and Bonesetter etc.

Chemical Constituents:

Stilbene Derivatives, Triterpenes, Fatty Acids, Flavonoids, Iridoids, Sterols, Alkaloids, and Methyl Esters, and other phytochemicals have been found.

The Plant & Its Uses

As the entire plant is of medicinal benefits, following are the Therapeutic Uses of Cissus quandragularis Extract:

  • Cissus Quandragularis Extract Stem: In South India, it is one of the most common food supplements available, commonly known as ‘Hadjod’. The stem is used for the preparation of various medicines.
  • Cissus Quandragularis Extract Leaves: Leaves, majorly the young shoots are used to promote appetite and assist in digestion.  
  • Cissus Quandragularis Extract Leaves Powder: The leaves powder is considered effective in treating various stomach ailments.  
  • Cissus Quandragularis Juice: The juice can be consumed or applied to the affected area. This is counted as one of the most powerful remedies for healing of fractured bones.
  • Cissus Quandragularis Shoot Juice: The shoot juice is recommended for ladies suffering from irregular menstruation. It can also be used to treat Otorrhea (ear drainage), Nose bleeding (epistaxis) is also treated with a little spritz in the nostrils. 
  • Cissus Quandragularis Shoot Ash Powder: The shoot ash powder is safe to be consumed. It helps in treating upset stomachs and indigestion. The condition is termed as dyspepsia.
  • Cissus Quandragularis Root Powder Extract : The root powder is used for treating fractured bones, constipation and complex arthritis (gout).

Health Benefits of Cissus quandragularis Extract

Obesity: People who are obese or overweight, and want to reduce weight can include Cissus quandragularis Extract in their diet for results.

Fractures: The dried extract is witnessed to be of great use in relieving pain and swelling due to fractured bone. This also increased the rate of recovery.

Hemorrhoids: It is, also being used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It could either be taken orally or applied to the affected area in the form of paste.

Joint Pain: The stiffness and pain in the body due to exercise can be relieved with the use of Cissus quandragularis extract.

Osteopenia: The condition is commonly known as low bone mass. Regular intake of the Cissus quandragularis extract, helps in improving the bone mass.

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