Serenoa Repens

By Admin | 2022-02-03 12:12:17 | Blog

Serenoa Repens

Botanical Name : Serenoa repens Family : Arecaceae Common Name : Saw palmetto A small palm tree, growing to a maximum height of seven to ten feet. Saw palmetto gets its name from the sharp saw-like teeth on its stalks. Native Americans from the Seminole tribe[...]

Botanical Name : Serenoa repens
Family : Arecaceae
Common Name : Saw palmetto

  • A small palm tree, growing to a maximum height of seven to ten feet.
  • Saw palmetto gets its name from the sharp saw-like teeth on its stalks.
  • Native Americans from the Seminole tribe in Florida traditionally used the fruit for food and to treat a variety of urinary and reproductive problems associated with an enlarged prostate gland.
Chemical Composition:
  • Contains fatty acids – capric, lauric, palmitic, oleic and linolenic acids, beta sitosterol, long chain alcohols, carotenoids, water-soluble polysaccharides and flavonoids.
How Does Saw Palmetto Work?

Maintains the body’s testosterone level by blocking the activity of 5 alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and also prevents the binding of DHT to receptor sites.

  1. Supports prostate health and aid in preventing BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) and Prostate cancer.
  2. Improves urinary tract infections associated with BPH.
  3. Prevents hair loss.
  4. Regulates testosterone levels which impacts several aspects of health including body composition, sex drive, mood and cognition.
  5. Reduces male pattern baldness (prevents androgenic alopecia).
Important Medicinal Properties
  1. Anti-androgenic.
  2. Anti-estrogenic.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.
  4. Diuretic.
  5. Expectorant.
  6. Urinary antiseptic.
Benefits of Botanic Healthcare Saw Palmetto Extract:
  • Provision of fatty acids NLT 45% as per in-house extraction method.

Dosage: 300-320 mg of saw palmetto extract.

  • Approved by German Commission E and US FDA.

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